Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence free novel - Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303


Their argument spiraled, with Ariana defending Mitchel’s honor against Holden’s growing resentment. Holden asked, “Does Mitchel have the passcode to this house?”
“Yes, he does,” Ariana confirmed, her brow furrowing in confusion at the direction of the conversation. “So what? Sonia and Sarah know the passcode, too.”
But Holden was beyond reasoning, his anger peaking. “I don’t care about them. You’re to limit your interactions with Mitchel. Stay away from him, or I’ll lock you up and ensure you two never meet again,” he said, his words echoing with possessiveness.
Ariana found Holden’s words absurd. Despite the passage of time, his penchant for resorting to threats remained unchanged.
Glancing at Holden, she remarked sarcastically, “Holden, such behavior hardly befits your status. Could you please refrain from such childishness?”
Holden made it evident he wasn’t inclined to heed her words. Gripping Ariana’s hand tightly, he stared intently at her, his teeth clenched as he demanded, “I don’t care what you say, but you must promise me that you’ll never see Mitchel again.”
Ariana rolled her eyes in frustration. It was impractical for her to never see Mitchel again. Mitchel had shown her kindness, and she couldn’t do that.
Shrugging off Holden’s grasp, she stated firmly, “I’ll reiterate once more: there is absolutely nothing between Mitchel and me. I see no reason to be wary of him. But you, you’re the one who fathered a child with another woman. And she is carrying another baby of yours now.”
As soon as she finished speaking, the room fell into a hush.
Holden bowed his head, his silence palpable.
Regret instantly flooded Ariana as she observed his reaction. Seeing him lower his head and retreat into silence filled her with remorse.
Yet, despite her guilt, her anger still simmered, making it challenging for her to offer words of comfort. She maintained her cold and distant demeanor, refusing to meet his gaze.
After a prolonged silence, Holden spoke slowly, his tone heavy with emotion. “I don’t know.”
Startled by the grievance in his voice, Ariana inquired, “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know when she appeared in my life.” Holden gently embraced Ariana, resting his head on her shoulder. With a tone heavy with remorse, he began to explain, “I don’t remember anything. After the accident, when I woke up, my memory was blank. I don’t know how the child came to be, and I have no recollection of Sadie. I can’t even recall when she entered the room that day. The child she carries may not even be mine. I’m sorry. I don’t understand why I lost my memory. Can you forgive me?”
Ariana’s heart softened as she listened to his distressed confession.
Though she wanted to respond, words failed her. She felt a sense of helplessness, recognizing that fate had led them to this complicated juncture.
Taking a deep breath, Ariana gently pushed him away, her voice resigned. “Let’s just stop arguing. It’s pointless.”
As Ariana spoke, she made a move to leave, only to be firmly restrained by Holden’s embrace. He questioned anxiously, “Where are you going? Are you going to see Mitchel? I won’t allow it.”
Exhaling a weary sigh, Ariana turned to face Holden, meeting his intense gaze. His eyes were red, his grip unyielding as he held her close. “Please don’t leave me,” he said.
Feeling her resolve weaken at his plea, Ariana longed to reach out and comfort him, but she hesitated. Despite her efforts to break free, his hold remained steadfast. Resigned, she sighed softly. “Please, just let me go for now. I won’t leave the house. I just need some alone time to gather my thoughts.”
Holden clung to her firmly, his resolve unwavering. “I can’t release you. If I do, you’ll only distance yourself from me and avoid me.”
With a tumult of emotions swirling within her, Ariana’s frustration boiled over. “Are you feeling aggrieved? Who’s at fault for all of this?”
She unleashed her anger, pounding on Holden’s chest and delivering a sharp slap, but his grip remained unyielding.

